Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam potenti est semper himenaeos interdum litora. Mauris senectus amet enim tempus conubia eget. Read more

Welcome to
Oxley Christian College

In offering a complete educational experience – from Early Learning to Year 12 –  the College fosters a sense of community, security and belonging, where interaction between all year levels is encouraged as an important aspect of social development.

"Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it."

Proverbs 22:6

Our Christian Values

In offering a complete educational experience – from Early Learning to Year 12 –  the College fosters a sense of community, security and belonging, where interaction between all year levels is encouraged as an important aspect of social development.

About Us

Portrait of a Graduate

Massa cras feugiat purus bibendum sit. Integer magnis proin nisi nunc nullam semper habitant. Mi dis senectus amet tempus ornare. Cursus ultrices consequat sagittis eu.

An oxley Graduate will...


Massa cras feugiat purus bibendum sit. Integer magnis proin nisi nunc nullam semper habitant. Mi dis senectus amet tempus ornare.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

Lorem Ipsum

Massa cras feugiat purus bibendum sit. Integer magnis proin nisi nunc nullam semper habitant. Mi dis senectus amet tempus ornare.

An oxley Graduate will...

Lorem Ipsum

Massa cras feugiat purus bibendum sit. Integer magnis proin nisi nunc nullam semper habitant. Mi dis senectus amet tempus ornare.

Academic Excellence

VCE Results

Massa cras feugiat purus bibendum sit. Integer magnis proin nisi nunc nullam semper habitant. Mi dis senectus ame.

VCE Results

25%ATAR over 90
16%study scores 40 and above
55%ATAR over 80
33.5mean study score

Our Top Scores:
